Asbestos Abatement of Colorado

Why Choose Colorado Asbestos Abatement Services?

Asbestos and Human Health


Inhaling elevated concentrations of asbestos fibers is associated with an escalated vulnerability to specific lung cancers, notably mesothelioma—a malignancy impacting the linings of the chest and abdominal cavity—as well as asbestosis, a condition marked by the scarring of lung tissues with fibrous material.

The extent of fiber inhalation directly correlates with the amplified likelihood of lung cancer and mesothelioma onset. If an individual also engages in smoking, the susceptibility to lung cancer arising from asbestos exposure becomes further exacerbated. Asbestosis sufferers typically have a history of prolonged and intense exposure to substantial asbestos levels.

Manifestation of symptoms linked to asbestos-related ailments typically remains latent for roughly 20 to 30 years after the initial asbestos exposure.

In the broader context, the majority of individuals who encounter minimal quantities of asbestos in their day-to-day lives are not predisposed to developing these health complications. However, instances where asbestos materials are disturbed can lead to the release of asbestos fibers, which, if inhaled, might lodge in the lungs. These fibers possess the capacity to persist in the lungs for extended periods, elevating the disease risk. Particularly hazardous are asbestos materials that readily crumble upon handling or have been subject to activities like sawing, scraping, or sanding, which can generate airborne asbestos particles constituting a significant health hazard.


What types of products contain Asbestos?

Until the 1970s, asbestos enjoyed widespread usage across various construction components and insulation materials. Contemporary products containing potentially inhalable asbestos fibers are obligated to carry explicit labeling.

Historically, the roster of products that could potentially discharge asbestos fibers upon improper handling, repair, or damage encompasses:

  • Heating systems components like boilers, steam pipes, and furnace ducts, which were insulated with asbestos blankets or paper tape.
  • Resilient floor tiles such as asphalt, vinyl asbestos, and rubber variations, along with the adhesives used for tile installation and the backing of vinyl sheet flooring.
  • Insulating materials like millboard, cement sheets, and paper employed around wood-burning stoves and furnaces.
  • Gaskets bordering wood stoves, coal stoves, and furnaces doors, which upon wear and tear can lead to fiber release.
  • Wall and ceiling decorations or soundproofing, implemented through spray-on materials.
  • Compounds for jointing and patching on walls and ceilings, including textured paints.
  • Building components like roofing shingles, siding, and asbestos cement roofing.
  • Accessories such as gas fireplace embers, synthetic ashes, fireproof gloves, stove-top pads, ironing board covers, and hair dryers.
  • Automotive elements including clutch facings, gaskets, brake pads, and brake linings.
  • Residences erected between 1930 and 1950 might feature asbestos insulation.

Contemporary products are required to be explicitly labeled if they contain inhalable asbestos fibers. It's worth noting that asbestos was extensively used in construction and insulation materials until the 1970s.


If you have asbestos in Colorado home, what should be done?


Undisturbed Colorado asbestos in good condition ought to be left undisturbed, as it's unlikely to release fibers. If you suspect any materials might contain asbestos, carefully observe them for signs of wear or damage, including tears, abrasions, or water-related harm. However, avoid direct contact. Activities like striking, rubbing, handling, or exposing it to significant vibrations or airflow can disperse asbestos fibers into the surroundings.

Engaging an asbestos professional in Colorado is advisable. These experts possess specialized training to perform inspections, gather samples of suspected materials, evaluate their state, and offer recommendations for necessary corrections. They also guide on who possesses the qualifications to execute these remedies. Qualified asbestos abatement contractors specialize in repairing or removing asbestos-containing materials. For your peace of mind, it's essential that professionals tasked with these activities in your residential or commercial spaces furnish evidence of proper training and licensure in asbestos-related work. This often includes successful completion of EPA-approved training. To aid in your search for reputable professionals, numerous state and local health departments, as well as EPA regional offices, can supply listings of licensed experts operating in your locality.



We have the answers to all your Asbestos questions.

We are your trusted source for answers to all your Castle Rock asbestos legal questions. Understanding the complexities of asbestos-related issues can be overwhelming, and we're here to provide clarity and guidance. Whether you have concerns about potential asbestos exposure, seek compensation for asbestos-related illnesses, or need assistance with legal claims, our experienced team is dedicated to assisting you every step of the way. We are committed to ensuring that residents and workers in Castle Rock have access to the information and support they need to protect their rights and well-being in cases of asbestos-related concerns. You can rely on us to be your advocate and ally, providing reliable information and expert legal assistance to address your specific needs and help you navigate the legal aspects of asbestos-related matters in Castle Rock.

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We Serve all of Colorado

Number One Choice for Asbestos Abatement in Colorado!

Should concerns arise regarding potential asbestos presence in Colorado within your residence or commercial establishment, delaying action isn't advisable. Take proactive steps to address the situation. At Asbestos Abatement of Colorado, we extend our specialized Asbestos Removal Services across the entire state. Our team boasts high-level certifications and expertise in this field.

Foremost in our minds is the well-being of you and your loved ones, given the serious health risks associated with asbestos exposure. Our top-notch equipment is a testament to our commitment to safety. We are fully prepared to conduct thorough inspections and skillfully eliminate asbestos from your property. Rest assured, we pledge that the area will be comprehensively cleared of any asbestos hazards, ensuring your safety, before granting access once again. Your health and safety are our utmost priorities in Colorado.


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